Readers of Style Salvage might remember Paul Hardy. A 14 year old who aims to be a fashion designer. I talked to him (online) about illustration and design. He asked me if I was good at sketching which I am not so bad at. The discussion later led to the blog What I Saw Today. Paul gave me the idea of starting a program in which I could start posting sketches of the looks I saw around or of what I want to wear or how I would wear them on this blog. Wonderful idea and I will try to start this on Monday. But here is my idea (already approved by my new buddy Paul) - I will post my sketches on the blog and I want all menswear bloggers to post your sketches on your blogs (let me know if you will join me). If you don't have a blog send me your sketches (along with a few lines about the illustration) and I will post them here (with proper credit to you of course).
To EJ and Steve of Style Salvage - This could be the next step in Men Represent after The Essentials. Let me know what you think.
i did do fashion design for 2 years but i wasn't very confident with my sketching, thats why i decided to get in to promotion. so i don't think i can be of any help here, sorry.
Mat - You can still help. Since you were studying fashion design you might have some friends that have some old menswear sketches lying around you can ask them for permission to post it up. Or if your friends are willing they can make a new sketch and send it.
Interesting idea. I'm not a great sketcher and people don't really put much thought in the way they dress in my area, but it might be worth a try.
I've always been fascinated by the Apparel Arts and Esquire sketches of the '30s and '40s, I wish such artwork would return.
Will - I know what you mean by people not caring how they dress. Its a common sight in my area to see horribly dressed people. But you should never give up hope. Who knows maybe one day they will surprise you. About the sketches, I love the old esquire/A A artwork too (most of them prints from the Fedora Lounge). Will give sketching a try, who knows you might just be better than you think.
Jonas Fred
yeah thats true, i have friend who studies mens and womens wear in london, so i will ask him and see what he says. its good exposure so im hopeful. il let you know
Great post! We are definitely interested by the idea but our sketching abilities worry us. We would like to include this in MenRepresent but would probably open it up to beyond sketching to include all forms of artistic work - for example montages...finger painting etc - depending on the persons artistic abilitiy...
Mat - Thanks Mat.
Steve - Wonderful idea - my next sketch post will be for Men Represent.
haha ace to finger painting, bit more my style!
was scrolling through and my sketch caught my eye. cool to know that it is part of your conversation!
your blog looks great btw.
designerman- Thanks. Keep sketching for your blog. You get a daily visit from me.
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