A time always comes when there is a change of seasons from summer to winter and so along with that changes our wardrobe (unless you live in a place like Singapore where its always fun at the beach). So here are a few looks from Surface To Air for both fall and winter. What will be your wish-list for winter? And what will you be wearing this season? Let us know at the comments page or by e-mail at jonasf12@gmail.com
2 months ago
ohh these are some really good looks, i'd say my favorite is the first one, for the reason that it reminds me of a slight english countryside gentleman style.
if its chilly and sunny id be wearing my black diesel biker boots, various jeans tucked in (black acid wash, brownish grey, black), chunky grey shawl cardigan with possibly an American Apparel hoody underneath with a t shirt. or minus the hoody with another thiner cardigan and a smart shirt.
if its raining then id say boots with untucked jeans, grey trenchcoat and an array of colourful scarfs and other accessories.
and there will be photos. by the way, what do you do for a living?
Mat - Yea I love the first look too. I can't wait to see the photos you take of your outfits. I don't work, I live on my wealthy parents who have so much money they buy me private jets for my birthdays (I wish). I am currently exporting seafood (I know sounds boring). Don't ever waste your chance in fashion.
haha seafood, im very familiar with this as a live at the seaside and one of my good friends harry, his family run a well known fish mongers!
well im currently in the second year of a degree in fashion promotion (the 3rd year is a industry placement year), and i also work for topshop and have done for nearly 4 years now. are you on lookbook or anything like that?
Mat - No I am not on lookbook. Im just wondering are you good at sketching? If your wondering why see my newest post.
Well i'm preparing a lot of posts on autumn gear. as temperature drops in autumn it's a great opportunity for men to layer. Expecct to see some cardigans, peacoats, duffel coats, track jackets ....
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